—Keith Marcus
Aesthetic Edge, Redondo Beach, CA
Success Stories
Real reviews from real customers who have made money with our services over the years are what you’ll find on this page. There are a number of SEO companies in Los Angeles that add fake reviews to their pages to present an image that doesn’t exist. If you see a testimonial from a first name with no website or business name, you may want to think twice about giving the review credibility. Our clients back us up, because they believe in our service. In 2010, I started this business to help small and medium sized business grow and make money and we’re accomplishing our mission year after year.
And this has helped our conversion rate increase by 50%, that’s five, zero percent. And when you couple the increased traffic with the increased conversion rates, it’s resulted in our sales almost doubling within the first six months of working with SEO Services Los Angeles.
Needless to say, we are thrilled with the results and our return on investment working with SEO Services Los Angeles has been tremendous. The other thing I’ll say while working with SEO Services Los Angeles is that they really take a personal commitment to the success of their clients. ”
—Jensen Lee
bidetsPlus, Los Angeles, CA
—Drew DeMasters
Landlord Marketing Secrets, Manhattan Beach, CA

Within 45 days of hiring SEO Services Los Angeles, my website ranked in the top 5 of Google for our most profitable term. Within 60 days, we had a #1 ranking in Google Places. The last 3 months, I have averaged 30-40 calls per month with my websites getting at least 300 visits per month. My monthly return on investment is over 1000% and it continues to rise over time. There have been multiple times where new competitors have challenged my website for top ranking and SEO Services Los Angeles protects my websites every month. I am continuously impressed with SEO Services Los Angeles and am confident they can help others with their online business. ”
—Mark Young
Network Cabling Solutions, Nationwide, USA

—Brittany Randolph
Tano Jewelry, Los Angeles, CA

—Glenn Vallecillos, MD
Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon, Beverly Hills, CA

We rely solely on organic traffic for our business and receive an average of 1,500 high targeted visitors per month. These visitors, like you are looking for a reputable local company to fulfill their need. We are going to do the same for you in your industry. Would you take your car to an auto mechanic that can’t fix his own car? Why would you put your online business in the hands of a SEO company that can’t rank their own website? ”
—Sam Shefrin
SEO Services Los Angeles, Inc. Los Angeles, CA